We are the volunteer experts.

VOLY.org was designed by VolunteerNow — the people who have been immersed in the volunteering world for the past four decades. We provide the most cost effective, easiest to use volunteer engagement and management solution available today. 


Solutions for every need

We know that one size doesn’t fit all. VOLY.org is adaptable to organizations of all sizes and missions. Learn more about each below!


Simple, innovative community engagement

Increase volunteer impact in your non-profit organization with the help of VolunteerNow/Voly.

increase impact

From tripling volunteer programs in the first year to reporting on how much time those volunteer hours are worth, VOLY.org gives you all the tools you need to streamline, understand, track, report, and grow volunteer impact. Having one standardized system that is customized to your organization allows you to focus on the critical work you do for our communities by empowering the people who help make that happen.

VolunteerNow/VOLY can help your volunteerism to advocate justice and wellness in your community.

save time and money

Volunteers help you save on staff costs, and an effective tool for managing this hard work gives your paid staff more time to be creative and mission-driven. Whether it’s spending more time with students than managing carpool, or establishing community service programs rather than juggling spreadsheets, VOLY.org stretches your dollars the most.

VolunteerNow/VOLY can help develop education in your non-profit organization to push community preparedness, whereever you are.

invest in ease

Your volunteers know where to go for information. Your staff has one, centralized location where all data is tracked and stored. Volunteer coordinators can press one login button and see background check status, how many hours have been accumulated, or what’s happening on campus that day. This is what VOLY.org was designed to be - your all-in-one peace-of-mind designed by volunteer management experts.

Sound nice? Let’s chat! Click here to send us an email, ask a few questions, or schedule a demo.


Check out what our clients have to say:



Simplify and strengthen your volunteer program

Learn best practices, see how other school districts utilize volunteers, and take next steps to increasing impact in your school district volunteer program!

You’re invited: volunteer management workshops

From understanding burnout and risk, to the building blocks of a volunteer management toolkit, VolunteerNow has everything you need to find, keep, and maximize volunteers. We’ve been doing this for 50 years, and we invite you to join in our expert knowledge!


Contact us to schedule a demo or learn more: